Differences in brain gene expression between sleep and waking as revealed by mRNA differential display and cDNA microarray technology

by Cirelli, C and Tononi, G
Differences in brain gene expression between sleep and waking as revealed by mRNA differential display and cDNA microarray technology (Cirelli, C and Tononi, G), In J Sleep Res, volume 8 Suppl 1, 1999.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Cirelli, C and Tononi, G},
   title = {Differences in brain gene expression between sleep and waking as revealed by mRNA differential display and cDNA microarray technology},
   journal = {J Sleep Res},
   volume = {8 Suppl 1},
   pages = {44-52},
   ISSN = {0962-1105 (Print)},
   year = {1999},
   DOI = {10.1046/j.1365-2869.1999.00008.x},
   url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1046/j.1365-2869.1999.00008.x},
   type = {Journal Article}