NGFI-A expression in the rat brain after sleep deprivation

by Pompeiano, M., Cirelli, C., Ronca-Testoni, S. and Tononi, G.
NGFI-A expression in the rat brain after sleep deprivation (Pompeiano, M., Cirelli, C., Ronca-Testoni, S. and Tononi, G.), In Brain Res Mol Brain Res, volume 46, 1997.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Pompeiano, M. and Cirelli, C. and Ronca-Testoni, S. and Tononi, G.},
   title = {NGFI-A expression in the rat brain after sleep deprivation},
   journal = {Brain Res Mol Brain Res},
   volume = {46},
   number = {1-2},
   pages = {143-53},
   ISSN = {0169-328X (Print)},
   url = {},
   year = {1997},
   type = {Journal Article}