Multilevel analysis of classical conditioning in a behaving real world artifact

by Verschure, Pfmj, Wray, J, Sporns, O, Tononi, G and Edelman, G M
Multilevel analysis of classical conditioning in a behaving real world artifact (Verschure, Pfmj, Wray, J, Sporns, O, Tononi, G and Edelman, G M), In Robotics and Autonomous Systems, volume 16, 1995.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Verschure, Pfmj and Wray, J and Sporns, O and Tononi, G and Edelman, G M},
   title = {Multilevel analysis of classical conditioning in a behaving real world artifact},
   journal = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems},
   volume = {16},
   pages = {247-265},
   ISSN = {0921-8890},
   year = {1995},
   url = {},
   type = {Journal Article}