Fos-positive cells associated with forced wakefulness in the hypothalamus of the rat are not GABAergic

by Cirelli, C, Pompeiano, M, Arrighi, P and Tononi, G
Fos-positive cells associated with forced wakefulness in the hypothalamus of the rat are not GABAergic (Cirelli, C, Pompeiano, M, Arrighi, P and Tononi, G), In Arch Ital Biol, volume 133, 1995.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Cirelli, C and Pompeiano, M and Arrighi, P and Tononi, G},
   title = {Fos-positive cells associated with forced wakefulness in the hypothalamus of the rat are not GABAergic},
   journal = {Arch Ital Biol},
   volume = {133},
   pages = {143-148},
   ISSN = {0003-9829 (Print)},
   year = {1995},
   type = {Journal Article}