Immediate-early genes in spontaneous wakefulness and sleep: expression of c-fos and NGFI-A mRNA and protein

by Pompeiano, M, Cirelli, C and Tononi, G
Immediate-early genes in spontaneous wakefulness and sleep: expression of c-fos and NGFI-A mRNA and protein (Pompeiano, M, Cirelli, C and Tononi, G), In J Sleep Res, volume 3, 1994.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Pompeiano, M and Cirelli, C and Tononi, G},
   title = {Immediate-early genes in spontaneous wakefulness and sleep: expression of c-fos and NGFI-A mRNA and protein},
   journal = {J Sleep Res},
   volume = {3},
   pages = {80-96},
   ISSN = {1365-2869 (Electronic)},
   DOI = {10.1111/j.1365-2869.1994.tb00111.x},
   year = {1994},
   type = {Journal Article}