Increased synchronization of neuromagnetic responses during conscious perception

by Srinivasan, R, Russell, D P, Edelman, G M and Tononi, G
Increased synchronization of neuromagnetic responses during conscious perception (Srinivasan, R, Russell, D P, Edelman, G M and Tononi, G), In J Neurosci, volume 19, 1999.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Srinivasan, R and Russell, D P and Edelman, G M and Tononi, G},
   title = {Increased synchronization of neuromagnetic responses during conscious perception},
   journal = {J Neurosci},
   volume = {19},
   pages = {5435-5448},
   year = {1999},
   DOI = {10.1523/JNEUROSCI.19-13-05435.1999},
   url = {},
   type = {Journal Article}