Effects of Local Pontine Injection of Noradrenergic Agents on Desynchronized Sleep of the Cat

by Tononi, G., Pompeiano, M. and Cirelli, C.
Effects of Local Pontine Injection of Noradrenergic Agents on Desynchronized Sleep of the Cat (Tononi, G., Pompeiano, M. and Cirelli, C.), Chapter in Neurobiology of the Locus Coeruleus, volume 88, 1991.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Tononi, G. and Pompeiano, M. and Cirelli, C.},
   title = {Effects of Local Pontine Injection of Noradrenergic Agents on Desynchronized Sleep of the Cat},
   booktitle = {Neurobiology of the Locus Coeruleus},
   volume = {88},
   pages = {545-553},
   year = {1991},
   type = {Book Section}