Modulation of electrophysiological responses to auditory stimuli awareness in waking and sleep

by Dentico, D., Takahara, M., Boly, M. and Tononi, G.
Modulation of electrophysiological responses to auditory stimuli awareness in waking and sleep (Dentico, D., Takahara, M., Boly, M. and Tononi, G.), In International Journal of Psychophysiology, volume 94, 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Dentico, D. and Takahara, M. and Boly, M. and Tononi, G.},
   title = {Modulation of electrophysiological responses to auditory stimuli awareness in waking and sleep},
   journal = {International Journal of Psychophysiology},
   volume = {94},
   number = {2},
   pages = {228-228},
   ISSN = {0167-8760},
   DOI = {10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2014.08.894},
   year = {2014},
   type = {Journal Article}