by D’Agostino, A., Castelnovo, A., Cavallotti, S., Canevini, M., Marcatili, M., Ferrarelli, F., Riedner, B., Tononi, G. and Sarasso, S.
Sleep spindle deficit in Schizophrenia: a high-density EEG study in First-Degree Relatives (D’Agostino, A., Castelnovo, A., Cavallotti, S., Canevini, M., Marcatili, M., Ferrarelli, F., Riedner, B., Tononi, G. and Sarasso, S.), In Journal of Sleep Research, volume 25, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{RN489, author = {D'Agostino, A. and Castelnovo, A. and Cavallotti, S. and Canevini, M. and Marcatili, M. and Ferrarelli, F. and Riedner, B. and Tononi, G. and Sarasso, S.}, title = {Sleep spindle deficit in Schizophrenia: a high-density EEG study in First-Degree Relatives}, journal = {Journal of Sleep Research}, volume = {25}, pages = {371-371}, ISSN = {0962-1105}, DOI = {10.1038/s41537-018-0045-9}, url = {}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} }