Relationship between auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) and subjective experience in waking and sleep

by Takahara, M., Dentico, D., Boly, M. and Tononi, G.
Relationship between auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) and subjective experience in waking and sleep (Takahara, M., Dentico, D., Boly, M. and Tononi, G.), In International Journal of Psychology, volume 51, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Takahara, M. and Dentico, D. and Boly, M. and Tononi, G.},
   title = {Relationship between auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) and subjective experience in waking and sleep},
   journal = {International Journal of Psychology},
   volume = {51},
   pages = {887-887},
   ISSN = {0020-7594},
   year = {2016},
   type = {Journal Article}