Cirelli Lab Recruitment Form Please fill out the following form and we will contact you if there are available research positions in the Cirelli lab NOTE: Before entering your information below, please take a moment to look up our Center on a map (6001 Research Park Blvd, Madison WI 53719) to make certain that you are willing to work at an off-campus location.PERSONAL INFO AND RESEARCH INTERESTSPlease provide your first and last name* First Last Please provide your email address. If a UW student, use your wiscmail address.* What is/was your major? Choose all that apply.* Engineering sciences Psychology / Cognitive Science Computer Science Biological Sciences Philosophy Data Science Genetics and Genomics Mathematics Physics Neurobiology Statistics Other (please indicate below) You selected 'Other' above. Please indicate your major here. What year student are you?* first year undergraduate student second year undergraduate student third year undergraudate student fourth year undergraduate student > fourth year undergraduate student I have graduated from undergrad but am not currently a student I am currently a student in a Master's or PhD program What kind of position are you looking for? Click all that apply.* I would at some point (either this semester or in the future) be interested doing a research internship for course credit I am not interested in doing research for course credit, and would only be interested in a paid/volunteer position You indicated that you are interested in pursuing a project with us for course credit. Please tell us the name of the class and give us the Semester/Year that you intend to take the course.In a few sentences, tell us a little about yourself, why you are seeking to join the CSC and the goals you would like to accomplish during your time with us.*YOUR AVAILABILITYPlease indicate the soonest that you could start a position at the CSC* MM slash DD slash YYYY Please indicate (using numbers only, no letters) the number of hours per week you could work at the CSC during the school year.*Please enter a number from 1 to 40.Would you be able to work at the CSC during the summer?* Yes No Please indicate (using numbers only, no letters) the number of hours per week you could work at the CSC during the summer*Please enter a number from 1 to 40.How long would you be willing to work at the CSC?*< 3 months3 - 6 months6 - 12 months> 12 monthsYOUR EXPERIENCEAre you familiar with the Python programming language? If not, select 'no.' If 'yes,' select what you take to be your level of expertise with Python. No experience with Python Beginner level expertise with Python Intermediate level expertise with Python Advanced level expertise with Python Please upload a pdf or docx copy of your CV*Accepted file types: docx, pdf, Max. file size: 500 MB.Please upload a copy of your course schedule for the semester (optional)Accepted file types: docx, doc, txt, pdf, png, jpeg, tif, heic, Max. file size: 500 MB.Please upload a copy of your unofficial transcript* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, jpeg, heic, png, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 4.