Neuronal gene expression in the waking state: a role for the locus coeruleus

by Cirelli, C, Pompeiano, M and Tononi, G
Neuronal gene expression in the waking state: a role for the locus coeruleus (Cirelli, C, Pompeiano, M and Tononi, G), In Science, volume 274, 1996.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Cirelli, C and Pompeiano, M and Tononi, G},
   title = {Neuronal gene expression in the waking state: a role for the locus coeruleus},
   journal = {Science},
   volume = {274},
   pages = {1211-1215},
   year = {1996},
   DOI = {10.1126/science.274.5290.1211},
   type = {Journal Article}