Simulating cortical TMS during sleep and wakefulness

by Hill, S. L., Massimini, M., Esser, S. K. and Tononi, G.
Simulating cortical TMS during sleep and wakefulness (Hill, S. L., Massimini, M., Esser, S. K. and Tononi, G.), In Sleep, volume 26, 2003.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Hill, S. L. and Massimini, M. and Esser, S. K. and Tononi, G.},
   title = {Simulating cortical TMS during sleep and wakefulness},
   journal = {Sleep},
   volume = {26},
   pages = {A38-A38},
   ISSN = {0161-8105},
   year = {2003},
   type = {Journal Article},
   keywords = {TMS},