Sleep and wakefulness modulate gene expression in Drosophila

by Cirelli, C., LaVaute, T. M. and Tononi, G.
Sleep and wakefulness modulate gene expression in Drosophila (Cirelli, C., LaVaute, T. M. and Tononi, G.), In J Neurochem, volume 94, 2005.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Cirelli, C. and LaVaute, T. M. and Tononi, G.},
   title = {Sleep and wakefulness modulate gene expression in Drosophila},
   journal = {J Neurochem},
   volume = {94},
   number = {5},
   pages = {1411-9},
   ISSN = {0022-3042 (Print)},
   DOI = {10.1111/j.1471-4159.2005.03291.x},
   url = {},
   year = {2005},
   type = {Journal Article}