by Murphy, M J, Bruno, Marie-Aurélie, Riedner, B A, Boveroux, Pierre, Noirhomme, Quentin, Landsness, E C, Brichant, Jean-Francois, Phillips, Christophe, Massimini, M, Laureys, Steven, Tononi, G and Boly, M
Propofol anesthesia and sleep: a high-density EEG study. (Murphy, M J, Bruno, Marie-Aurélie, Riedner, B A, Boveroux, Pierre, Noirhomme, Quentin, Landsness, E C, Brichant, Jean-Francois, Phillips, Christophe, Massimini, M, Laureys, Steven, Tononi, G and Boly, M), In Sleep, volume 34, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{RN235, author = {Murphy, M J and Bruno, Marie-Aurélie and Riedner, B A and Boveroux, Pierre and Noirhomme, Quentin and Landsness, E C and Brichant, Jean-Francois and Phillips, Christophe and Massimini, M and Laureys, Steven and Tononi, G and Boly, M}, title = {Propofol anesthesia and sleep: a high-density EEG study.}, journal = {Sleep}, volume = {34}, pages = {283-91A}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} }