Cortical topography of Local Sleep

by Murphy, M J, Huber, R, Esser, S K, Riedner, B A, Massimini, M, Ferrarelli, F, Ghilardi, M F and Tononi, G
Cortical topography of Local Sleep (Murphy, M J, Huber, R, Esser, S K, Riedner, B A, Massimini, M, Ferrarelli, F, Ghilardi, M F and Tononi, G), In Current topics in medicinal chemistry, volume 11, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Murphy, M J and Huber, R and Esser, S K and Riedner, B A and Massimini, M and Ferrarelli, F and Ghilardi, M F and Tononi, G},
   title = {Cortical topography of Local Sleep},
   journal = {Current topics in medicinal chemistry},
   volume = {11},
   pages = {2438-46},
   year = {2011},
   type = {Journal Article}