Impaired Visuomotor Learning in Major Depressive Disorder: A High-Density Eeg Investigation

by Plante, D. T., Landsness, E. C., Goldstein, M. R., Sanchez, J., Wanger, T. J., Guokas, J. J., Ghilardi, M. F., Tononi, G. and Benca, R.
Impaired Visuomotor Learning in Major Depressive Disorder: A High-Density Eeg Investigation (Plante, D. T., Landsness, E. C., Goldstein, M. R., Sanchez, J., Wanger, T. J., Guokas, J. J., Ghilardi, M. F., Tononi, G. and Benca, R.), In Sleep, volume 35, 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Plante, D. T. and Landsness, E. C. and Goldstein, M. R. and Sanchez, J. and Wanger, T. J. and Guokas, J. J. and Ghilardi, M. F. and Tononi, G. and Benca, R.},
   title = {Impaired Visuomotor Learning in Major Depressive Disorder: A High-Density Eeg Investigation},
   journal = {Sleep},
   volume = {35},
   pages = {A325-A326},
   year = {2012},
   type = {Journal Article}